Boutique strategy consultancy for
customer-centric business models

Customer centricity // Execution focus // start-up thinking


Every company needs a big idea. At OhrConsulting, we even have three!


Customer Centricity

We firmly believe that, in future, almost all business models will need to be designed from the customer’s perspective. We support customer-centric strategies and innovations and ensure that top management consistently focuses on the customer.


Execution Focus

Strategy needs to be grounded in reality: Most strategy projects fail during implementation. We develop strategies by drawing on many years of practical experience and accompany each client until their strategy is fully implemented.



In our experience, large companies, start-ups, and New Work enterprises can all learn from one another. That’s why we continually collaborate with start-ups, and integrate “start-up thinking” into our consulting work.

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Max Mustermann, Firma


We combine years of corporate and start-up experience with excellent strategy competence and methodology. We have comprehensive expertise in helping companies to efficiently acquire new customers, to enhance revenue from existing customers, and to align the whole value chain to the customer.

Retail-MarketingOperationsSales/Leader- ship-Trainings Holistic Retail Optimization MARKETING BudgetingBrand PositioningPerfomance Marketing DIGITALIZATION Lead Strategie & Management Webshop-Management- und Development Webshop-Management- & Development Strategic & Operative Customer AcquisitionOmni- & Multi-Channel Stores E-CommerceDigital Leadership/ Change Management Customer Loyalty Programs Share-of-Wallet- Management Revenue enhancement programsCustomer ClubsCustomer Cards Targeted sales growth with existing customers (CRM)„Money can´t buy“ OffersCooperation Programs/PromotionsCustomer Analytics/ InsightsDigital CRMCustomer Retention/Customer Services CRM LEADERSHIP FOR CHANGE Innovation Management Start-up-Thinking Change Management Leadership Training & Coaching STRATEGY POS of the FutureCorporate and Business Unit Strategy Growth StrategyMergers & AcquisitionsBusiness Model Development Brand StrategyPrivate Equity & Venture Capital RETAIL READINESS Retail-ManagementProduct-Innovation/ Own Brand StrategyMarketing-StrategyRetailizationof brands Customer-Centric Business Models


We are passionate about customers. For this reason, we focus on industries where a high degree of direct or indirect customer orientation is fundamental.

Fashion, Luxury & Lifestyle


Digital business


Hospitality, Food&Beverage


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