And while many of these stores have disappeared from the market or run into difficulties in recent years, others are outperforming the retail market. We call them Local Heroes. While the reasons for the vanishing of some local players are relatively similar to the general retail issues (barely differentiated and interchangeable product ranges, undifferentiated price and discount campaigns, a lack of or non-existent local customer relationship management (CRM), too little innovation and excitement at the POS and an inadequate omni-channel/digital strategy), the successful ones are thriving on a strong brand, long-standing, very personally cultivated customer relationships, a high level of customer loyalty and a retail POS in a prime location as well as a product range tailored to local customers.
In short, successful Local Heroes have successfully managed to clearly differentiate their business model to local and digital competition and offer a special shopping experience based on good leadership and great teams. We believe that many of these Local Heroes are in an excellent starting position for even more growth, as they can operate from a position of strength, with a strong and emotionally loaded brand and successful product ranges and services.
What will it take for the successful Local Hero of the future?
The market potential of Local Heroes is generally much greater than previously realized. In an increasingly standardized retail landscape with completely interchangeable offers, many customers are looking for real buying impulses, authentic services, emotions when shopping and local uniqueness. Good Local Heroes offer all of this, and this is precisely where we see the need for action:
In developing the local market further, a more professionalized approach is crucial for sustainable success in today’s highly competitive (especially digital) environment and declining attractiveness of city centers. The right strategy and the right measures must be smart and specifically tailored to Local Heroes. This is where we are currently diagnosing the greatest deficit, because in our day-to-day work as consultants and in the many projects with our clients, we often see the following same behaviors:
Either Local Heroes try to copy successful (digital) strategies of large retailers, e.g. by adapting digital/marketing measures in a relatively unspecific way, or by hiring agencies who fail to adapt their concepts to regional needs. Even worse, sometimes the less successful local players completely neglect enormously important market development tools (e.g. local search) and thus build up long-lasting market deficits.
In our view, Local Heroes should confidently choose a smart and locally specific digital/marketing mix that is relevant and attractive for their respective target groups and that sets them apart from their competitors and the large retailers.
Based on our experience, this requires the following key points:
To summarize, it can be said that Local Heroes have excellent prerequisites. They are already successfully established and still have enormous potential to grow, provided they approach the right things in a structured way. If you are interested in further discussions, we would be delighted to hear from you via email (
OhrConsulting, a strategy and management consultancy, helps clients focus on customers across the value chain. In our consulting work, we draw on in-depth strategic and operational expertise, and focus squarely on sales and implementation relevance. Our experiences show that strategies conceived from the customer’s perspective yield the maximum success for our clients. Our ecosystem of experts includes start-ups and innovative agencies in order to offer our clients maximum innovation.