Einzelhandel/Department Stores
Breuninger ist ein familiengeführtes Fashion- & Lifestyleunternehmen mit dem Fokus auf Premium und Luxusmarken. Breuninger zeichnet sich u.a. durch eine sehr gelungene Omni-Channel-Strategie, besonderen Kundenservice und die erste Kundenkarte Deutschlands aus.
Die EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG versorgt rund 5,5 Millionen Kunden mit Strom, Gas und Wasser sowie mit energie-nahen Dienstleistungen und Produkten.
Einzelhandel/Department Stores
Jelmoli ist ein Schweizer Premium-Kaufhaus und Online-Shop. Jelmoli zeichnet sich u.a. durch besonders liebevolle Lebensmittel- und Gastronomiebereiche, aber auch durch ein selektives Premiumsortiment aus.
ZEISS Vision Care
Optometry (B2B/B2C)
ZEISS is the world’s leading manufacturer of precision optics. ZEISS combines technical expertise and innovative ideas to create exceptional visual experiences.
Retail / Department Stores
Peek & Cloppenburg is a family-run fashion company with headquarters in Düsseldorf and Vienna. Since its founding in 1900 in Düsseldorf, it stands for style and quality. Today, P&C has around 140 retail stores in 15 countries and wants to become the leading omni-channel-retailer in Europe.
“Energy Baden-Württemberg” supplies approximately 5.5 million customers with electricity, gas, and water, as well as energy-related services and products.
Luxury / Jewelry
Tamara Comolli, a luxury brand focused on colorful gemstone jewelry, embodies the special lifestyle of casual luxury.
Unisport is one of the World’s leading retailers of football boots, football shirts and other football equipment.
Retail / Department Stores
Based in Osnabrück, L&T has been voted “Germany’s best department store” multiple times and stands out by continually innovating for its customers.
Jelmoli is a Swiss premium department store and online store. Jelmoli features, among other things, lovingly curated food and gastronomy departments, as well as a selective premium assortment.
Hahn Automobile is a leading car retailer with 35 branches in Baden Württemberg (brands include Porsche, VW, Audi, Skoda & Seat).
Movarti is the first digital cultural marketing tool designed specifically for the needs of theaters, concert halls, opera houses and festivals.
E-mobility/ Charging Solutions
An early-stage start-up, LadeHero is already the German market leader in premium charging solutions for electric vehicles.
Johan Lafer
Dining / Accommodation
Johann Lafer, one of Germany’s best-known TV chefs, is a food entrepreneur.
Training/ Coaching
TopConcept GmbH specializes in sales training, leadership development, and coaching. It helps mainly German-speaking companies in the worldwide implementation of sales and leadership programs.
Kinvent has developed a system for easy biomechanical detection of muscle-function states. It’s used for rehabilitation by top and amateur athletes, and includes an innovative gaming solution to support and motivate.
Gourmet Dining/ Events
YouDinner is a food and gourmet start up that offers its customers trips to the world’s best restaurants, extraordinary dinners in unusual places and gourmet cooking boxes.
Plin Technologies
Tech Start-Up
Plin is a company from France that develops and distributes nanotech-based animal care products.
Mammut is a leading global manufacturer of sports and outdoor equipment with its roots in a Swiss rope factory 150 years ago.
Bettenrid is a premium bed specialist store with 3 locations in Munich, offering a large selection of high-quality beds, mattresses and bed linen both online and locally.
Construction industry
Korodur is a company that specializes in the production and application of industrial floor coatings and systems.
Construction industry
Uzin Utz is a leading family business in the flooring industry, shaping the future through innovation and sustainability.
Voice is a Norwegian company that specializes in the design, manufacture and distribution of its own brands in the Nordic market.
Lodenfrey is a traditional Munich fashion house that offers high-quality clothing and accessories in the upmarket segment.
Vision System Stores are the progressive vision specialists and stand for optometry, vision analysis and precision optics at the highest level. The Vision System provides the customer with the most finely tuned progressive lenses, which are custom-made for each individual.
Modern Creation Munich is a global luxury brand known for its exquisite selection of exclusive fashion, accessories and lifestyle products with over 650 stores worldwide.
KiK is a German clothing retailer that offers inexpensive fashion and lifestyle products for a wide range of customers.
Porsche ist einer der erfolgreichsten Luxus-Sportwagenhersteller der Welt, der für die Entwicklung, Produktion und technische Excellence bekannt ist.
The Stuttgart Traditionsgeschäfte are an association of 10 companies. These are characterized by the fact that they are owner-managed and can already look back on a long company tradition. Together, these houses combine over 1,500 years of operation.
Plin ist ein Start-up-Unternehmen aus Frankreich, das Nano-Tech-basierte Tierpflegeprodukte entwickelt und vertreibt.
Die Stuttgarter Traditionsgeschäfte sind ein Zusammenschluss von 10 Unternehmen. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie inhabergeführt sind und bereits auf eine lange Firmentradition zurückblicken. Gemeinsam vereinen diese Häuser über 1.500 Betriebsjahre.
Augenoptik/ Einzelhandel
Vision System Stores ist eine Gruppe hochwertigster Optikgeschäfte mit Fokus auf beste Seh-/und Augenanalyse, Screening und Spitzenfassungen.